Saturday, July 27, 2013

Guess What?

I have decided to challenge myself and paint everyday and share the process & technique by blogging about it. 

Thank you to those faithful people who take a moment to see what I'm working and share your encouragement.
I appreciate it!
I have several people inquire about my canvas' and have decided to make them available and put them on Etsy.
By the way, the old Etsy page which has featured my watercolors and fine art prints is still being reworked.  There are many still available and
information will be posted here asap.

Usually, when I paint with acrylic I paint one at a time. But because it is a warm day, I will paint three different paintings simultaneously. I normally use my heat gun to speed up the  drying time, but painting on 3  will allow them enough time to dry naturally and there will be no need to put down the brush.

The colors used are Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Titanium White, Classic Teal, Alizarin Crimson Hue and Cadmium Yellow. Each mixed with Acrylic Polymer to slow down drying time and increasing brushablility.
Next post: phase 2


Mary Kosary said...

These are gorgeous...good for you.

Mary Kosary said...
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