Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Painting with acrylic medium is like frosting a cake! A Birthday Cake!

I was inspired by an artist and applied the steps she used in her process and painted this for my daughter's 24th birthday. It was fun. Really fun!
Using a 36x36" canvas, fiber paste, soft gel gloss, glass bead gel, gold leaf, various pigments and time.
Yay! She loves it and that makes me happy.
I think I need one for my living room. ;o>

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Puttin' On My Gouache's.

Color, coverage and Gouche.  Painting with gusto. Yay!
 Gouche- The name derives from the Italian guazzo, and is also referred to as opaque watercolor or bodycolor.
And, ORANGE is the new pink!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

If you haven't had an opportunity to check out my art, please
take the time to visit.

The exhibit will run until the end of the month.
Thank you for your support!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Making Friends With Acrylic

Finished project for an exhibit in spring.
The exhibit will be with Artists In Action in Los Gatos titled

The challenge is to select 3 items and to sketch and work these items over the next eight months, in many combinations of ways.

Why a challenge?
We must use mediums we are not familiar with,
using a different perspective and methods that you do not usually use.
In April the best of 3 will be selected for the exhibit
with the original photos shown next to the work.
An interesting and valuable challenge as an artist.

I have attached my piece and the photo/muse #1.
Love the color, texture and interesting lines.
(using heavy molding paste, crackle paste, fiber paste and glass bead gel)
not because I had to...LOVE learning how things work and play together.
Lots of possibilities with the gel mediums, but still learning to make friends with it. ;o>

Image #2 will be gray scale, sort of 'drafting meets acrylic transfer' image of a glass box in a hexagon shape and shell top and mirrored base. It's a beauty, tough to sketch.

But before that, gotta get back to my watercolor and pen.
This is what I love to do.

btw- Grateful for the Cronos plug and thankful to be one of the first to have this used in my cervical discetomy surgery. (commonly used in lumbar surgeries until now)
One of the first who has shown bone growth at such an early stage.
Result of many prayers on my behalf.
Thank you!